Traditional Chinese Medicine always strives for complete physical, mental, and emotional, and spiritual health. Acupuncture can be seen in so many real world applications daily.
Acupuncture is incredibly versatile in its treatment of a wide variety of disorders, especially in conditions of pain. Treatments aim to decrease both overall pain intensity and frequency for better quality of life.
In addition to being effective in the treatment of acute and overuse injuries commonly seen in sports, acupuncture has proven to be an effective method of treatment in post-operative care.
Acupuncture strengthens the entire system to bring each body to its peak state, whether for pregnancy or to restore imbalances that develop in the reproductive and endocrine systems in a woman’s lifetime.
For those committed to a lifestyle change, acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments and philosophies can help to simplify and ease up the journey.
Also known as facial rejuvenation or the acupuncture face-lift, cosmetic acupuncture is one of the fastest growing cosmetic procedures done in the world.